Problem: Dealership experiencing consistent sales staff turnover due to a multitude of issues. Sales staff commissions were time consuming to produce, were consistently in error, and staff had low confidence in result. Sales staff were also performing consistently below expectations since no formal work planning process or well defined prospect flow was in place. Sales staff also complained leads were not assigned fairly by management. Combined result was consistent sales turnover, and consistent low performing sales and profits at the dealership.
Goal: Automate the Deals sales commissioning process and have the information produced at the completion of each deal to eliminate confusion. Automate lead assignment in a round robin format by schedule automatically. Apply a sales workplan and workflow that automatically created tasks for prospect flow, messaging and follow-up for all phases of the sales cycle. Create the tasks and manage staff to the sales work flow process.
Strategy: Adopt Autodeals dealer management, CRM, and workflow solution to solve the problems and achieve the goals. Set up sales commissioning process to automatically calculate each deal every time with precision. Make sales commissions payroll processing as simple as running one report. Build prospect work flow in the Task management system and automatically create tasks with messaging for sales. Manage Sales to the plan.
Work Process: Activate DMS, and CRM next day and begin training sales and management immediately. Consult with Sales Management to document prospect workflow they would like to see. Autodeals helps customer implement the first iterations of the workflow system to teach management how to create and manage workflows on an on-going basis.
Summary: Dealership management now drives sales staff to perform. New leads receive auto responding email message. New leads are automatically assigned to sales in round robin format. Tasks are automatically created for new prospects, and no leads are lost. All prospects are followed up consistently according to the plan since management can see all messages, all tasks, and all communications with customers.